SoulxCoffee news

How to Get the Best Location - Tips from SOUL x COFFEE

You have already decided that you want to#nbsp;become the owner of#nbsp;a#nbsp;coffee station and are thinking about finding the perfect place for it? We#nbsp;have prepared detailed instructions on#nbsp;how to#nbsp;proceed to#nbsp;find the best place.
First of#nbsp;all, we#nbsp;recommend ordering a#nbsp;stand, and then starting to#nbsp;search for a#nbsp;location, since it#nbsp;takes about 45 days to#nbsp;make a#nbsp;coffee stand, and some landlords, when signing a#nbsp;contract, want to#nbsp;see a#nbsp;stand at#nbsp;the location the next day.
To#nbsp;optimize the process of#nbsp;identifying new locations for placing SOUL x#nbsp;COFFEE coffee stations as#nbsp;efficiently as#nbsp;possible, we#nbsp;offer the following collaborative format:
Location Analysis:

Begin by#nbsp;conducting a#nbsp;thorough analysis of#nbsp;the potential locations across the city. During this phase, collect essential contact information for each location.

Organize all the gathered data systematically by#nbsp;categorizing the locations based on#nbsp;their types. For instance, group all business centers in#nbsp;one category, hospitals in#nbsp;another, and so#nbsp;forth. This method ensures that no#nbsp;potential location escapes our attention.
Detailed Information:

Fill in#nbsp;the suggested table for each location category, including crucial information such as#nbsp;the location’s name, address, and contact details.
Outreach via Email:

Initiate contact with the property owners or#nbsp;managers of#nbsp;each location by#nbsp;sending a#nbsp;well-crafted email offering collaboration. In#nbsp;this email, provide a#nbsp;concise introduction to#nbsp;our coffee stand, highlighting its advantages and unique features to#nbsp;elicit a#nbsp;response. Attach a#nbsp;presentation about the project with photos of#nbsp;the station to#nbsp;the letter for the best presentation of#nbsp;the project. Feel free to#nbsp;use the sample emails that we#nbsp;will provide you with.
Personal Contacts:

For a#nbsp;more productive search, arrange personal meetings and initiate phone calls, since emails do#nbsp;not always reach the recipients and the time to#nbsp;review them may be#nbsp;too long. Remember that the main thing in#nbsp;entrepreneurship is#nbsp;initiative.
Record Email Dates:

Log the date of#nbsp;dispatch for each outgoing email, call and meeting in#nbsp;the corresponding table to#nbsp;maintain a#nbsp;comprehensive record of#nbsp;all interactions.
Scheduling Zoom Meetings:

Schedule Zoom meetings with representatives who have responded to#nbsp;your emails, ensuring that the scheduling is#nbsp;coordinated efficiently.
Presentation Preparation:

Begin preparations for a#nbsp;presentation of#nbsp;the SOUL x#nbsp;COFFEE project, which will be#nbsp;conducted in#nbsp;collaboration with representatives from both the SOUL x#nbsp;COFFEE team and the identified locations.
By#nbsp;following this structured approach, we#nbsp;aim to#nbsp;efficiently identify and secure suitable locations for our coffee stations, fostering productive collaborations along the way.
2024-03-27 09:46